Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Many of my best customers are men who drink their favourite varieties of tea regularly. They may not talk about it as much as some of the women that I know, in that it is more of a regular part of their daily routine. When I started selling tea, I noticed that there is no difference between the appreciation of tea as an amazing beverage between the sexes, just a very different method of expressing their love of the beverage.

Women will try a tea and share it with their friends and mention it to others. Men will ask about a tea, be pleased when you supply what they are looking for, and perhaps serve it to their company, but many are not as vocal about their love for it. It becomes something more that they buy and make just because they like it so much. So, on this Father's day, make sure you spend a few minutes with a dad you know, and maybe even share a cup of tea with them. It often means much more than it may appear to!